J. Flexnег, George Washington, v. 1-4. Boston, 1965-1972.
D. Freeman, George Washington, v. 1-7. New York, 1948- 1957.
F. Bellamy, The Private Life of George Washington. New York, 1951.
S. Вemis, Jay's Treaty. New York, 1923.
M. Сunliff, George Washington: Man and Monument. New York, 1958.
F. Gilbert, To the Farewell Address: Ideas of Early American Foreign Policy. New York, 1961.
"Affectionately Yours, George Washington: A Self-Portrait in Letters of Friendship". Ed. by T. Fleming, New York, 1967.
S. Little, George Washington 1732-1799. New York, 1962.
S. Padover, The Washington Papers. New York, 1955.
L. Sears, George Washington and the French Revolution. New York, 1960.
"George Washington. A Profile". Ed. by J. Smith, New York, 1969.
W. Wilson, George Washington. New York, 1969.
E. Wright, Washington and the American Revolution. New York, 1957.