Morgan, Neil Bowen. The Pacific States: California, Oregon, Washington, Time-Life Books, 1967
National Geographic Society. Life in Rural America, 1974
National Geographic Society. Wilderness U.S.A. Introd. by Sigurd F. Olson. Essays by Edward Abbey and others. Chapters by David Hiser and others. Drawings by Dill Cole and George Founds. Photos by Lowell Georgia and others, 1973
Osborne, John. The Old South: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Time-Life Books, 1968
Rhodes, Richard. The Ozarks. Time-Life Books. 1973
Rotkin, Charles. The U.S.A.: An Aerial Close-up. Crown Publjshing, Inc., 1968
Smith. Richard Austin. The Frontier States: Alaska, Hawaii, Time-Life Books, 1968
Sprague, Marshall. The Mountain States: Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, Time-Life Books, 1967
U. S. News and World Report. Our Country!, 1972
Warren, Kenneth. The American Steel Industry, 1850 - 1970; A Geographical Interpretation, Oxford University Press, 1973
Watkins, Tom H. The Grand Colorado; The Story of a River and its Canyons, American West Publishing Co., 1969
Williams, Richard Lippincott. The Northwest Coast, Time-Life Books, 1973